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A work-life balance is important to maintain

Canadians are leading more and more digitally connected lives, with more and more people who are accessing the Internet on a regular basis.

Canadians are leading more and more digitally connected lives, with more and more people who are accessing the Internet on a regular basis. There are many ways in which technology has improved the lives of Canadians, but there are also negative implications affecting hundreds of people.
One of the main benefits of technology for most working Canadians is that their work doesn’t have to be done in an office anymore.
Advancements in technology will continue to allow work to be done from any location. There is less of a need to send a worker on a commute, since most projects can be completed from a central office.
Those same advancements are also making the workplace more efficient. From timesaving apps to digital storage options that help reduce clutter, workplaces are adapting in ways that let employees make better use of their time
There are very few parts of life that remain untouched by technology in one-way or another. Plus, technology keeps on advancing at breakneck speeds, which continues to change the world around us.
However, technology can be a double-edged sword, especially in terms of maintaining a positive work-life balance. The technology makes work easier and saves commuting time, but it has also created expectations of constant accessibility. For some, the workday never seems to end.
It is important to remember that by simply having the technology that might allow someone to work flexibly doesn’t necessarily reduce their stress levels, which is why technology should be managed effectively to ensure that its benefits aren’t outweighed by negative implications.
The ultimate goal is to manage technology use carefully, is that it can still enhance the working environment with the appropriate boundaries in place. There are also several opportunities for companies to support their employees, and provide the tools and the culture so that their employees can find that right work-life balance in their lives.
Only time will tell what the workplace of the future will look like as technology continues to advance and our work and personal lives become even more entwined. Regardless, it’s a pretty safe bet the ongoing struggle of finding work-life balance will always be a priority. A person with a good work ethic balances their professional needs alongside their personal needs to ensure that neither is being compromised.
It is important for businesses to feel that they can empower employees to find the right work-life balance that works best for them. In the end, satisfied employees help benefit the business.
The best way to find the right work-life balance is to ensure that technology has not blurred the lines between your work and personal life, to take regular breaks and learn when it’s time to switch off.